Monday, May 25, 2009


Warning: Updates on this blog will be very minimal at this time till mid june.

Hehe.. I've been sooooo tied-up with work lately that i don't even have time to update my blog.. and my children's exams are coming around the corner, so my weekends are mostly concentrated on revisions. Alin, yes Mr Mojo haven't been around coz i've been bz so May is not a good time for me to scrap. Hoping mid June (yess!! school holidays!) will be a good time.

Anyhoos, this particular update is soooooo late! T'was my eldes DD's bday on 18th May and we had a mini surprise party for her at home. Here's to share few photos and of the 'mini surprise party'.

Thanks for lookin!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Adam's visit to the Turtle Farm

Got some pics of Adam's school field trip to the Turtle Farm at the Fisheries Department last Wednesday, 7th May. He went on and on and on and on about the baby turtles and giant tortoise. More pics at Stella's Blog.

Enjoy the pics (taken from the school's blog)!!

.. and no, that's not Adam! He wouldn't dare touch it i know!!!