I got tagged by Renee. This time I have to answer the questions using images by Google-ing.
3. A favourite place
5. Favourite Food
6. Favourite color
7. The city I live in
8. The city I was born in
9. A nickname I had in school
10. College major
11. Name of first love
12. A bad habit (click to enlarge)
After that, tag 7 people. Now I tagged: Mac, Anna, Dina, Syifaa (haha!) & Adek (haha!). ((i can't think of anyone else))
6. Favourite color
7. The city I live in
8. The city I was born in
9. A nickname I had in school
10. College major
11. Name of first love
12. A bad habit (click to enlarge)
After that, tag 7 people. Now I tagged: Mac, Anna, Dina, Syifaa (haha!) & Adek (haha!). ((i can't think of anyone else))