Monday, March 02, 2009

Stash Shopping in Singapore

More and more stash shopping! I went for a short work trip to Singapore last week and when you're in Singapore, no matter how short your trip is, a scrapperholic must make time to stop by MWL and Laine's... huhuhu.. and I did with DH!

I only managed to grab these at MWL. Sadly, they've closed about 80% of the sections where they have new stocks arrived at their shop. I had to drool at the new stocks which arrived on that day itself. "Sorry not for sale yet! Please come back tomorrow :)" is what they displayed on most of the racks. tsk.. tsk... Hence I only got TWO papers that i liked, few inks & a glue tape.

To console my frustration I went to Laine's and got.....

a paper trimmer..... finally!!!
more pps & some cs.....
3D glue dots......
foam thickers alphas......

floss & needles set......

pearls perles....

6 x 6 clear stamps....
AND it's on 50% sale... huhuhu
finally my corner punch....

and LAST BUT NOT LEAST i am now a member of these two places...

Till next post, TFL!

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